Download Beauties of Cowper: To which are Prefixed, a Life of the Author and ...
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ISВN: 1990001539180
Аthor: William Cowper
Date of placement: 19.08.2012
Size: 11.43 MB

Scarce and decorative antiquarian books.
Juan Francisco Manzano, 1797-1854. Poems.
Scarce and decorative antiquarian books.
1842 The Poetical Works of William Cowper With a Life by H Stebbing: Price: £59.99. An attractive collection of Cowper's poetry. With engraved title page.
Poems by a Slave in the Island of Cuba, Recently Liberated; Translated from the Spanish, by R. R. Madden, M.D. With the History of the Early Life of the Negro Poet
Oliver Goldsmith (Goldsmith, Oliver,.
Beauties of Cowper: To which are Prefixed, a Life of the Author and ...
Wolf Solent by John Cowper Powys.1811 -1815 3Vol Poems William Cowper with A Sketch of his Life John Johnson: Price: £34.99. A wonderful and uniformly bound collection of Cowper's evocative poetry.
Wolf Solent has 168 ratings and 24 reviews. Eddie said: I've heard Powys compared to Dostoevsky, but I don't see it, even though Dostoevsky was one of Po Rev. William Dodd (1729-1777) - English.